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Servicios Gestionados de Impresión en sanidad

Liberando tiempo y recursos para quienes más los necesitan.
Servicios Gestionados de Impresión en sanidad

El sector de la sanidad tiene la mala fama de estar saturado de papel, lastrado por pilas de historiales de pacientes, resultados de pruebas, facturas y procesos de trabajo complicados. Esto solo lastrado, en lugar de ayudar, a los médicos en su intento de reducir las listas de espera.

Hoy agilizar y mejorar la eficiencia de la asistencia sanitaria se ha convertido en una auténtica prioridad. Para alcanzar estos objetivos hay que dejarse de pelear con la tecnología.

Es evidente que el enfoque universal ha quedado obsoleto y que ya no sirve en la era digital. Las instituciones sanitarias disponen ahora de un sinfín de herramientas digitales, pero estas no facilitan siempre las cosas.

Los líderes empresariales se enfrentan a oleadas aceleradas de innovaciones en las que les resultará complicado elegir las soluciones adecuadas para afrontar sus problemas de cara al futuro.

Así pues, nunca había sido tan necesario contar con un partner para el proceso de transformación digital: los proveedores de Servicios Gestionados de Impresión Servicios Gestionados de Impresión (MPS) han respondido a la llamada.

Y Kyocera está guiando el camino.

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Managed Print Services: Driving more efficient healthcare

In recent years, healthcare organizations have struggled to strike the fine balance between the paper and digital worlds and cost control without affecting the quality of patient care.

Time details how administrative costs now make up about 34% of total health care expenditures in the United States – twice that of Canada.

In Managed Print Services there is, at last, an all-encompassing solution to address both physical and digital infrastructures. MPS providers analyze all parts of an organization and use quality, real-time data to make smart and informed strategic decisions. 
Here is how MPS helps you add instant value to your organization:

MPS assessment

An on-site fleet assessment is key to determining your current print environment capabilities and shortfalls. By examining workflows, document infrastructure and data security across all areas of your hospital or clinic, Kyocera can quickly identify key areas for cost reduction and process improvements and ways to build upon already existing strengths. Only by calculating the existing total cost of printing (including consumables and maintenance) is it possible to build an MPS strategy whereby clear, tangible benefits can be determined.

Data is power

No two hospitals or medical centers are the same, and a personalized approach which focuses on the unique challenges and opportunities of each institution is key to adding value. The implementation of a brand new, consolidated fleet of devices (which can include a blend of devices depending on the needs of a given department), for example, not only equips organizations with the latest and best technologies, but it also, in many instances, actually reduces the overall fleet volume. This means fewer printers, less toner, and – more importantly – reduced expenses.

Proactive maintenance

By using Kyocera Fleet Services (KFS), MPS providers can remotely monitor devices. This allows them to address potential issues before they become real, workflow-disrupting problems. Furthermore, KFS allows us to configure software updates for off-peak hours to ensure optimal data security without the frustrating downtime. Kyocera’s unbeatable support is always on hand when needed to provide expert advice and instant solutions to keep the wheels of the operation turning.

Agile institutions

Doctors, nurses and other professionals must be able to print, scan, fax and share documents quickly and securely while on the go. MPS is fundamental to such mobility. Applications such as Kyocera Mobile Print and KYOCERA Capture Manager facilitate seamless workflows and, in turn, help eliminate unnecessary bottlenecks. Kyocera is also well-equipped to leverage its vast experience in technology to assist hospitals with the pain-free roll-out of an electronic health record system if required.

Reduced waste

MPS reporting removes the guesswork when it comes to print volumes and avoids those unwanted nasty surprises when it comes to billing time. Beyond the benefit of paying one agreed fee, MPS gives you full visibility over your print fleet so you can ascertain, say, if certain members of staff are using color print which is completely unnecessary for their role. It also highlights printing devices which are under or over-used, so that you can take the necessary steps to improve the overall balance of operations.

MPS promotes an organizational culture based on efficiency and transparency.”

Apart from the tangible benefits, MPS promotes an organizational culture in hospitals and clinics based on efficiency, transparency and accountability. These are fundamental to sustainable success.

The need for hospitals and clinics to make their dollar go further is clear, and with Managed Print Services it’s possible to do so while, at the same time, working smarter and accelerating the digital transformation across all departments. This all adds up to huge benefits in the area where it matters most: the quality of patient care.

Managed Print Services al detalle

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  • Beneficios de MPS

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  • MPS en servicios financieros

    Descubra cómo MPS permite a las empresas controlar los costos e impulsar la eficiencia del flujo de trabajo.

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